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Virtual program (we also offer in person options-please request those prices if you are in the area of one of our coaches)

We coach those new to the sport of bodybuilding, national level competitors, and pro level athletes.  We pride ourselves on a well-rounded program that not just gets you into winning conditioning but does so in the healthiest way possible by properly supplementing, providing the right foods and the right times, addressing the mental and emotional component of the athlete, and doing a safe, effective refeed and physical recovery month.

The preparation time to get ready for a bodybuilding competition ranges vastly depending upon the athletes’ current stats and experience.  If someone is preparing for their very first show, doesn’t carry a lot of muscle and is just starting out, the process will be divided into longer phases from an ascending growth phase to the final cutting phase for the show which can be 9 months to 2 years.  Someone who is already fit, does not carry much bodyfat, is conditioned, and has the right mindset, we may be able to go straight into a cutting phase of 12-20 weeks followed by a refeed phase post show.  Schedule a free consultation to see where you are at!!

What this program includes:

Individualized nutrition plan complete with:
Nutrition facts
Exchange options
Grocery List
Weekly workout regimen complete with:
Training app
Exercise videos for reference
Specific strength training workouts, stretch routines, foam rolling, and cardio options
Progress photo input
Graphs of bodyweight, bodyfat, and measurements
Your choice of coach based on your specific needs
Weekly check ins and Monthly success calls

Stage Presence Coaching:
Posing technique
Posing routines
Routine choreography

Additional Guidance:
Division selection
Organization selection
Show selection
Suit selection
Weekly webinar


  • Ronshende Whittington, IFBB Pro Figure, WPD, CPT
  • Nanani Ballejo, LMT, CPT, E-RYT
  • Stacy Wig, IFBB Fitness, Figure, and WPD competitor
  • Jean Laguerre, NGA Certified Master Trainer, Pro Bodybuilder